Kings vs. Popes

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Popes had more power than kings. The pope was head of the Christian church throughout Western Europe. Because almost everyone was a part of the church, the pope had great power. The pope was seen as God's representative on Earth. People ask the pope for guidance about how they should live their life or how to pray. The pope chose what the church would teach. If the pope though someone was working against the church he could punish those he saw guilty. For serious offenses, the pope or the bishops could excommunicate the offender. Christians feared this punishment because they believed those who died while excommunicated would not make it to heaven. The pope even had political power. Some popes lived in royalty.
In AD 1000 Europe was divided into small countries. Most were ruled by kings. Some kings had firm control over their country. The kings of England, France, and the Holy Roman Empire were the most powerful kings. In England and France on son of the king would inherit the throne. Some times nobles would rebel, but the king was usually able to reestablish order mordantly quickly.

Although the people of Western Europe thought the pope should be the head of the church, the people of Eastern Europe didn't agree to that idea. In Eastern Europe bishops controlled religious matters without much guidance from the pope, sometimes without any guidance at all. Popes wanted to change that. As popes' power increased, they got into conflicts with kings. Kings wanted to choose the bishops, but the pope was in control of that. After arguing between the two "classes" they made an agreement. Popes would choose the bishops, but the bishops had to be loyal to the king.